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Fix a problem playing videos
Fix a problem playing videos
Updated over 3 weeks ago

To watch videos on Cyfrin Updraft, make sure you have the most up-to-date browser, operating system, and a good internet connection:

  • Newest version of Google Chrome, Firefox, or Safari

  • Internet connection with 500+ Kbps

The table below shows the approximate speeds recommended for playing each video format.

Video Resolution

Recommended sustained speed


20 Mbps

HD 1080p

5 Mbps

HD 720p

2.5 Mbps

SD 480p

1.1 Mbps

SD 360p

0.7 Mbps

Additionally, please verify your specific connection to the website via a service such as

If you're certain of your connect integrity/speed and you've verified it isn't just you via the link above, please reach out for additional support via the Support channel of the Cyfrin Discord community.

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