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Payout Scenarios
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Below are illustrative examples of how Eagle Rewards are structured and distributed in various CodeHawks contests.

Scenario A: Pot < $40K

  • Example: Contest with a $30K prize pool.

  • Payout Setup:

    • Lead Eagle Guaranteed Reward: 10% of the prize pool ($3K).

    • No Eagle Pool Reward applies.

  • Distribution Flow:

    1. The Eagle receives $3K at the start of the audit.

    2. At the conclusion of the contest, the remaining $27K is distributed among the usual high/medium/low tiers.

Scenario B: Pot ≥ $40K

  • Example: Contest with a $100K prize pool.

  • Payout Setup:

    • Lead Eagle Guaranteed Reward: 7.5% of the pot ($7.5K).

    • Eagle Pool Reward: Another 7.5% of the pot ($7.5K).

    • General Prize Pool: $85K (remaining amount).

Timeline and Conditions

  1. At the start of the audit, the lead Eagle is paid the Eagle Guaranteed Reward ($7.5K).

  2. After the contest results are announced: ◦ The Eagle Pool Reward ($7.5K) is awarded to the best-performing Eagle (top 5 rank or top 5% if >100 competitors). ◦ If no Eagle meets the rank requirements, the $7.5K is added to the highest tier of the general prize pool (i.e., High/Medium prize segment).

Example Outcomes

  • Case 1: The lead Eagle is also in the Eagles' top 5 and the highest ranking Eagle → they receive the $7.5K Eagle Pool Reward.

  • Case 2: Another Eagle outperforms the lead Eagle and qualifies → that Eagle receives the $7.5K.

  • Case 3: Multiple Eagles tie for best performance, all within the top 5 → $7.5K is split equally among them.

  • Case 4: No Eagle in the top 5 or no valid findings from any participant → The $7.5K Eagle Pool Reward is added to the general prize pool’s top tier, increasing it from $85K to $92.5K.

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