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Judging process
Updated over 3 weeks ago

The judging phase is critical to Cyfrin CodeHawks' competitive audits, ensuring its contests' integrity, transparency, and fairness.

Here's an in-depth look at how the judging process works.

How does the CodeHawks judging process work?

Once a competition's submission period is closed, the Judging period begins.

Lead judging

A member of the Cyfrin team or an appointed, reputable, and esteemed community member may be invited to assist in judging.

While submission volume certainly plays a part, the average judging period is ~2.5 weeks.

During this period, the Lead Judge will assess the validity and severity of each submission for the competition.

If I finding is deemed valid:

The judge will assign a Finding Tag. These tags identify the finding as within a valid category and detail what type and severity the vulnerability is.

If a finding is deemed invalid:

The judge will label the finding as invalid, and assign an invalidation reason to the submission. The judge may also leave additional comments detailing the reason for the invalidation.

Wrap Up

Once all a competition's submissions have received a preliminary judgment, the contest will move into the Appeals Period.

Following the submission of appeals, a final consideration of appeals and pass of the submissions is performed before a final report is generated and the competition closes.

The judging process at CodeHawks is meticulously designed to uphold the highest standards of fairness and clarity. We're continually evolving our methods to reflect the best practices and ensure that every participant receives thorough, unbiased feedback.

For further inquiries or more detailed insights into our processes, please get in touch with our dedicated support team.

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