Solodit aggregates Bug Bounties from multiple web3 bug bounty platforms, consolidating all details for available bounties into one, convenient, and searchable database. User's can narrow down their results using a range of filters.
Bug Bounties Search Fields
Keywords: Enter specific terms or phrases to narrow down findings.
Platform: Narrow your results to Immunefi or Hats Finance
Language: Specify which programming languages you'd like the result protocols to be written in. Choose any number of Solidity, Vyper or Rust.
Category: Classify findings by protocol type. Options encompass Lending, NFT Marketplace, Oracles, Liquid Staking, Gaming, and more.
Bug Bounties Viewer
To the right of the Bug Bounty Finder, you'll see a list of all your filtered results. Results may be sorted by any column and clicked on to be routed to the Bug Bounty official posting.